A short update from our secretary.


We are working to develop a Men’s Shed in Shirley, Southampton in Bramston Road, behind the Methodist church in St James Road. We have a small shed with a few chairs and a kettle, and we have designs and ideas for a fully sustainable workshop building to be started in the very near future.

We are actively seeking sponsorship and have a number of on-going fundraising initiatives. If you’d like to support us we would love to hear from you.

Meeting up.

We currently meet at the Shed on Monday mornings, 10 to 12, where we chat and do the occasional bit of woodwork, except when it’s raining.  We also meet on Thursday mornings, 10 to 11.30 or so, at Sainsbury’s cafe in Shirley Precinct, where we swap stories and plan social events; most recently, we put together a quiz team which turned out to be triumphant!

Do come and join us!  It’s a good idea to ring our Secretary, Brian Hooper, on 07790 850501 to let us know you’re coming, if you can – then we can look out for you.

There’s an “Easter Eggstravorganza” at St James Park on Easter Monday, 13th April, and we’ll be there.  Do come along and say hello!