Monthly Archives: December 2021

A December update.

Well it’s been quite a year hasn’t it?

We have had to contend with a pandemic, lockdowns, shortages of and rising prices for building materials.

We are still not open for business (hopefully better news on that early in the new year) but we have spent the year preparing our building to open.

This update summarises the progress we have made this year.

We finally signed the lease on our land and got permission to build the shed. We applied for, and received, several grants which have enabled us to make good progress with our building.

We had the concrete base laid and had the main shed building ordered, supplied and erected by Olsons.

The concrete base for the shed.

This was the ”bare bones” of the building which was watertight and secure, but required us to do the rest of the work to make it habitable. 

We have spent the last few months collecting and using off cuts of insulation and plaster board to insulate the shed and to line the walls and ceiling. This work is nearing completion but will not be complete until we have had the electricity supply installed in the new year.

We have water and drainage and (thanks to a grant from The National Lottery Community Fund) we are due to have the electricity supply installed in January. We will then be able to have the internal electrics installed and commissioned.

We still have a lot to do before we are able to open properly, but we have a multi-skilled and enthusiastic team of volunteers that has worked tirelessly this year and will continue to do so in the new year to enable us to open properly as a Men’s Shed.

It only remains for us to say thank you to all of the individuals and organisations (more info on our sponsors page) that have given us grants and donations, of money and supplies and expertise this year and to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022.