On the 14th July 2022 the Mayor of Southampton officially opened Shirley Men’s Shed. That means that today we are officially one year old!
We would like to thank all of our members (old and new) for supporting us during our first year and making use of the facilities that we have worked so hard to provide. It really is great to see new friendships being formed and people enjoying some company, coffee and the odd joke or two with our membership numbers going up steadily.
A lot has happened in the year that we have been officially opened. We have acquired another, smaller shed which we are currently fitting out to use as additional working and storage space. We have reorganised our main shed to make best use of the space available. We have helped our local community by carrying out projects that we have been asked to undertake. We have expanded our membership and our opening hours.
We would like to thank all that have helped us during the year and those organisations that have given us grants to help us get established.
We continue to welcome new members and to enhance our facilities.
Onward and Upward!
Here are some pictures from this week.