In early June 2024 several members of the Shirley Men’s Shed enjoyed a visit to the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton. We were made very welcome by the staff while we explored their many exhibits. Of particular interest to us was the museums Sandringham Flying Boat and its Spitfire. Those of us who could climb into the Flying Boats cockpit I’m sure secretly pretended they were 6000 feet up, I know I did – it was worthwhile and we were all impressed by the size of this aviation achievement. Some of our members recall seeing these marvels in use on Southampton Water.

The Spitfire of course took our attention, not only because of its association with Southampton and the Battle of Britain but also because the Shirley Mens Shed are involved in the Spitfire Makers project where we contribute by installing their ‘blue information plaques’ all around Southampton. These blue plaques are located in places that manufactured Spitfire parts.

There were so many interesting exhibits to see at the museum, all with a ‘step back in time’ feel. This was particularly true when we entered the Tram renovation shed. We were expertly introduced to a wonderfully renovated exhibit of a Tram. If I recall correctly its last journey was in 1949. While sat inside this Tram one of our more senior members was observed looking on the floor, apparently he recalls losing a shilling and wondered if it might still be there!

We were lost in past times, which made our 2 hours at the museum feel like a few minutes. A very enjoyable time was had by our members.
Thank you Solent Sky Museum, especially Alan Jones (director) who initially made the offer for our visit and Steve Alcock (manager).
(Written by one of our members)
The Spitfire Makers project is really pleased to have the Shirley Men’s Shed helping us with the installation of our blue plaques – eleven so far. The next phase of the project will take us over the river into Bitterne Men’s Shed territory and we’re delighted that they will be doing the same great job for the plaques in their patch. Go to our website or our Facebook page for more info.