Shirley Men’s Shed

For all of our latest news please click on the NEWS links in the column to the right of the page.

If you would like to join us to help us please email or phone 07790 850501.

We are currently open three mornings a week (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday). You can find our location and current opening times on Google Maps and Apple Maps by searching for “Shirley Mens Shed”.

We welcome new members.


What’s a Men’s Shed?

It’s similar to a garden shed – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that Men’s Sheds are also about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter. There are Men’s Sheds around the country, mostly members of the UK Men’s Sheds Association, as we are.

Our Men’s Shed is in Shirley, Southampton, in Bramston Road, behind the Methodist church in St James Road. We have a working main shed, and are currently fitting out an additional shed to provide additional working and storage space.


We are actively seeking sponsorship and have a number of on-going fundraising initiatives. If you’d like to support us we would love to hear from you.

Who is it for?

Anybody! It’s mainly for men (but not exclusively) living in the Shirley area.  Some events might include younger folks and women, but it’s mainly for men. We aim to work on a range of projects that benefit organisations in the Shirley area including: nurseries, care homes, old people, young people, local charities and our local community groups.

How to join in:

You can find us in a former garden area to the left side of the church car park in Bramston Road. There are more details on how to find us on our Contact Us page here.


Do come and join us!  It’s a good idea to ring our Secretary, Brian Hooper, on 07790 850501 to let us know you’re coming, if you can, then we can look out for you.  He can also provide a membership form.

Men’s Sheds : What’s the big idea ?

“Shedders” – as they are known, are usually men who like to get together socially, work on practical projects or get more involved in the community. By working ‘shoulder to shoulder’ we aim to reduce social isolation and promote active and healthy lifestyles in later life.Men’s Sheds are like a larger version of the typical man’s garden shed. They are well-equipped with workbenches and a range of machine and hand tools. Using their skills and knowledge, members work individually, or together on practical projects that benefit the local community. And for those who are happy to socialise, it’s a place to sit and relax, enjoy a chat over a cup of tea, or perhaps play a game.The big idea is that a Shed is a safe, friendly, and inclusive environment to share old skills and learn new ones; talk about the issues and experiences that affect our lives; and build new social networks and friendships. It’s been shown that having a sense of purpose and avoiding social isolation has a positive effect on health and well-being in later life.Sheds are intentionally informal in approach and welcome men (and some women) from all walks of life – whether from manual or knowledge working backgrounds – including those who can be the hardest to reach.

Men’s Sheds started twenty years ago in Australia and now number over 1000. In the UK, we now have several hundred with new ones opening all the time. We aim to be one of them!